can these dry bones live
3 Then He asked me Son of man can these bones come to life O Lord GOD I replied only You know 4 And He said to me Prophesy concerning these bones and tell them Dry bones hear the word of the LORD. In this Christ is our great Captain. Pin On Bible Verses God is working in this world for wholeness for a resurrection of the dry bones. . They say Our bones are dried up and our hope is gone. Yea say unto them Live. It says that they were very dry see Ezekiel 372. This is what the Sovereign Lord says. So let us walk together even through this dry unpromising time. By being aware of ourselves and gentle with ourselves we can receive Christs gracious and loving rule His victory over death and His resurrection life here and now. There is reason to hope. 2 Then He caused me to pass by them all around and behold there were very many in the open valley. And indeed they were very dry. God tells Ezekiel Prophesy concerning...